Head: McFarlane Shaft- cut off body, dremilled neck, and sculpted the eye patch.
Body: Neca Movie Spirit - Dremilled off buttons and shirt seam, and then cleaned it up with epoxy sculpt also changing shirt collar by sculpting it into a turtle neck.
Finished off it off by repainting it. I also gave it some dry brushed layers for extra tonal value in the paints.
I'm a fan of the Ultimate version of Nick Fury, and we know his look is clearly based on Samuel L., but I think he's done a good job in the films and he helps set the look of the books to the films. I also think it's cool he's getting his own Fury film so I felt I had to have one of these on my shelf. I have some more marvel movies customs I want to have posted before too long. so please keep an eye out for that, and kick my but if it takes me too long to get to them!
Thanks for the views!
Okay some side
notes and commentaries...
So Here it is the first new custom I have posted in quite some time.
I really needed to get to the photos and photoshop treatment for this one for quite some time. He's been on the shelf with my Marvel Select scale stuff for awhile. I was going to post him and was all geared up, but one of those weird fluke things happened and glenwebman posted his using the same head, but with the marvel legends Ultimate Fury figure base. I really liked it so I ended up not posting mine in respect of his good work, and yeah I was a little bummed out, but I haven't had an online presence until recently and this is what I thought I would lead off with from stuff I need to post off my shelf... before I drop an entire line of customs I've really been working away on. But more on that later!